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WSO'S Cultural Ambassador, Dr Vincent de Luise, to speak at Heritage Village for Make Music Day, June 21st @ 1pm

Free to the public, Dr. de Luise's talk 'Music and Your Brain: Linking Melody, Mind and Health' will take place on Friday June 21st 1pm at Sarah Cooke Hall, Heritage Village, Southbury, CT

WSO's beloved Cultural Ambassador, Dr. Vincent de Luise, to speak on a fascinating topic as part of Make Music Day Heritage Village, a free to the public talk will take place on Friday June 21st at Sarah Cooke Hall, Heritage Village, Southbury, CT

With towns around Connecticut participating in CT's sixth Make Music Day, WSO's Cultural Ambassador Dr Vincent de Luise was invited to speak, as the WSO Cultural Ambassador, as part of Make Music Day Heritage Village. This fascinating talk will take place on  Friday June 21st. No registration is required.

Synopsis of the Talk on Friday June 21st @ 1pm :

Music surrounds us. It is part of who we are as humans. All cultures have music, and virtually all use the pentatonic scale. Why is music so foundational?  Why do some types of music make us happy whereas other kinds of music make us sad?  What is the Mozart “effect” ? Can listening to Mozart’s music make us smarter? Can other types of music improve our cognition? Where does music go in the brain? What is synesthesia? Does music have color? Can we paint with melodies? Can the brain make its own music? How does music therapy help patients with Alzheimer Disease, Parkinson Disease, traumatic brain injury, stroke, and depression? Can music actually heal?

Calendar Listing :


Friday, June 21 @1pm

Talk title:

Music and Your Brain: Linking Melody, Mind and Health

Vincent  de Luise MD

Cultural Ambassador, Waterbury Symphony Orchestra

Assistant Professor, Yale School of Medicine


Make Music Day Heritage Village

Sarah Cooke Hall, Heritage Village Southbury

About Vincent de Luise M.D. 

Dr de Luise is the cultural ambassador and a program annotator of the Waterbury Symphony Orchestra. 

He is also the president of the Woodbury-based Connecticut Summer Opera Foundation.

Dr de Luise is a graduate of Princeton University, Weill Cornell Medical College, and the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute.

He was an ALI Fellow in the Humanities at Harvard University. 

Dr de Luise is an assistant clinical professor of ophthalmology at Yale University School of Medicine and a Distinguished Visiting Scholar in Medical Humanities at the Renaissance School of Medicine of Stony Brook University. During his medical training, Dr. de Luise studied with the principal clarinetists of the NYC Ballet, San Francisco Symphony Orchestra and the Florida Philharmonic, and is a founder of the classical musical recital at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. 

About 'Make Music Day'

Launched in 1982 in France as the Fête de la Musique, Make Music is celebrated on the same day in more than 1,000 cities in dozens of countries around the world.

Completely different from a typical music festival, Make Music is open to anyone who wants to take part. Every kind of musician — young and old, amateur and professional, of every musical persuasion — pours onto streets, parks, plazas, and porches to share their music with friends, neighbors, and strangers. All of it is free and open to the public.

Connecticut’s sixth annual Make Music Day in 2023 featured more than 400 free musical performances across fourteen regional chapters, brought together by the Connecticut Office of the Arts, to coordinate a diverse day of music-making statewide, open to all.





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The Palace Theater Box Office

Mon - Fri    10:00am - 5:00pm*

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The WSO builds connections across the region with exploratory concerts, events, and educational programs. The WSO maintains a firm commitment to produce programs that are of value to its patrons, participants and community partners. This commitment is rooted in the Symphony’s core belief that music education and shared cultural experiences are essential to creating community.  Founded in 1938, the Symphony has assembled over 100 of the most talented musicians across New England to perform throughout Northwest Connecticut. 

The Symphony has been the Orchestra-in-Residence at Naugatuck Valley Community College since 1992. 


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Fine Arts Center

CT State College: Naugatuck Valley

[formerly NVCC]

750 Chase Parkway
Waterbury, CT 06708


Cinema & Symphony & Other Palace Theater Concerts:

The Palace Theater

100 E. Main St.
Waterbury, CT 06702

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Administrative Offices:

500 Chase Parkway

Unit 4-C

Waterbury, CT 06708

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